kick start your weight loss
  • Sharps Disposal Container

    Sharps Containers are available to properly dispose of your used needles and syringes. This is a one-time disposable container. Once the container is filled, this can be taken to any medical disposal centre. Please note that sharps containers are shipped from our warehouse, and are therefore shipped separately to any pharmacy compounded products. Find your nearest Sharps Disposal Location. 1.4L capacity
  • Considered the ‘elixir of life’ in traditional medicine, Shiitake offers extensive immune and cellular support. Its range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals can work wonders for the body, encouraging a host of immune, respiratory, heart and liver benefits.
  • ProBioMax is a compounded daily oral probiotic to support gut health. The formula contains a potent dose of digestive enzymes which can support both gut health and the immune system. ProBioMax has been meticulously created with the highest quality ingredients, to directly target increases in the body’s lactobacillus and bifidobacteria levels.
  • Turkey Tail has long been valued in Chinese medicine for its powerful immune benefits and positive influence on bone, liver and gut health. Coined the super immunity herb, it works to combat dangerous pathogens and promote general health.  
  • As the hydration and beauty herb, tremella is full of potent antioxidants which support a radiant complexion and promote skin elasticity. This hydrating herb may also lubricate the body’s deep tissue and vital organs to promote overall well being and function.  
  • Cordyceps is a high performance tonic, renowned for its potential to revitalise important organs such as the kidney, heart, liver and lungs. Its adaptogens work to stabilise the body’s physiological processes to encourage homeostasis and overall wellbeing.
  • Chaga is rich in antioxidants and adaptogens, making it a natural anti-ageing and immunity boosting powerhouse. Its potential benefits are vast, offering a range of immune boosting and anti-inflammatory outcomes to boost overall wellbeing.
  • DTX

    DTX is the comprehensive detox supplement that combines the best antioxidants and innovative ingredients to help cleanse the body. These featured ingredients can metabolise the histamines and toxins that often accumulate with alcohol consumption.
  • This is an annual medical consultation and review with our Doctors to examine your medical history, current treatment plan and progress.
  • Tongkat Ali is an oral capsule designed to help naturally restore hormone balance in both males and females. This supplement can aid in muscle development and strength, improve sexual desire and performance, catalyse stubborn fat for weight loss, and boost energy levels.
  • Our potent pharmaceutical grade daily Vitamin C is in Liposomal form (oral liquid). Vitamin C is renowned for its potential to support a strong immune system and help fight viral infections. 200ml Liposomal Vitamin C (Potency: 330mg/1ml)
  • Our Activated B Complex is a compounded oral supplement that consists of the B vitamins vital for the recovery and functioning of the nervous system. This supplement also works to improve sleep quality and helps to maintain healthy muscles and nerves.
  • Mushroom M8 combines eight of the top researched and recognised medicinal mushrooms in a convenient vegetable capsule. Together, they work to support and maintain a strong immune system and encourage overall health.
  • TSH, free T4, free T3 The Thyroid Basic / Weight Loss Screening Pathology is designed to test for thyroid problems, with a particular focus on the way in which it affects an individual's weight. This package is suited to those who have a previous medical history of thyroid issues or concerns.
  • The Lipid Profile is a basic assessment of the “good” and “bad” cholesterol levels and amounts of triglycerides in the blood. Cholesterol is an important fat the body needs to function properly, however very high levels can lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke and atherosclerosis.  
  • The Essential Blend is formulated to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. This blend promotes muscle repair and recovery and healthy energy levels by supporting essential metabolic processes.
  • The Adrenal Blend is formulated to reduce the adverse effects of both internal and external stressors, promote optimal adrenal function and help regulate cortisol levels.  Key ingredients: Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Magnesium Contains 100 capsules 
  • Using a simple Micro Sample method, this test assesses a range of liver enzymes (proteins) in the blood for a comprehensive snapshot of liver function.  
  • This oral nootropic is designed to support optimal brain function and contains a range of essential B vitamins for brain health. The carefully curated formula contains nootropic ingredients to help promote an increase in cognitive performance.
  • DHH-B + GABA

    This oral capsule contains DHH-B and GABA. This supplement has been developed to help anxiety, restlessness, interrupted sleep patterns and mood disorders. Key Ingredients: Magnolia officinalis (Bark, 2% Honokiol) 400mg, GABA 250mg. Contains 60 or 100 capsules.
  • This assessment identifies levels of growth hormone (GH) in the body. Crucial in stimulating almost every tissue in the body, growth hormone can contribute to poor health when deficient.  
  • Vitamin D controls the body’s calcium levels, and is essential for bone and teeth health. This test uses a serum blood test to identify vitamin D levels and identify potential deficiencies.  
  • Iron is needed for the formation and maintenance of red blood cells, and therefore influences the body’s capacity to transport oxygen. This test will note iron, transferrin and transferrin saturation to highlight potential deficiencies.  
  • Through a simple saliva test, the Sleep Profile assesses melatonin and cortisol levels to identify the causes of insomnia and similar sleep issues.  
  • The Doctor Consultation and Pathology Review has been created for patients who have already completed a pathology report (that is less than 12 months old) and simply need it to be revised to receive a treatment plan from our Doctors.
  • Through a simple finger prick, this assessment can measure thyroid levels to detect potential abnormalities.  
  • This profile measures copper, ceruloplasmin and zinc levels to determine the body’s immune status. This can be tested through the nutritional intake and absorption of the minerals zinc and copper.  
  • This pathology test determines a cortisol profile through the Adrenocortex Hormone Assessment. This non-invasive saliva test identifies adrenal imbalances by measuring the body’s stress status.  
  • Epitalon

    Epitalon can support healthy telomeres to not only rejuvenate old cells, but help regulate common markers of ageing such as low metabolism, unbalanced hormones and low melatonin. Available in both injectable formula and oral capsules, Epitalon has the potential to offer multiple anti-ageing benefits.
  • This test measures the enzymes transglutaminase IgA and igG to detect coeliac disease. High levels of this enzyme and subsequent antibodies can indicate coeliac disease or gluten insensitivity.  
  • This test assesses the critical balance between essential Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. These fats not only play an important role in health, but can indicate potential risk of heart disease.  
  • The Thyroid Profile provides a comprehensive analysis of an individual’s thyroid hormone metabolism — a process which is crucial to the body’s endocrine (hormone) system. This test offers a thorough insight into thyroid functioning, efficiency and health.  
  • IGF1 and IGF-BP3 levels can influence a range of bodily functions and cellular repair processes. IGF-BP3 is the main carrier of IGF1, and levels can also signify the body’s production of human growth hormone (HGH). This assessment requires a simple SST serum test, and can highlight any imbalances or anomalies in the body’s IGF1 and IGF-BP3 levels.  
  • This comprehensive assessment will measure the body’s B vitamin levels across vitamin B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12. The body requires adequate vitamin B to support a range of essential processes and systems, and detecting potential deficiencies can therefore note the need for supplementation to boost general wellbeing.
  • This profile can detect risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). As the leading cause of death worldwide, CVD is a prevalent health risk. This test serves as a cardiovascular risk assessment which can detect a range of potential risk factors and markers of heart abnormalities.  
  • The Adrenocortex Stress Profile uses a simple and non-invasive saliva test to detect adrenal stress. Drawing on secretory IgA levels and stress hormones cortisol and DHEA, this assessment can detect symptoms of adrenal fatigue and indicate how the body is coping with general stress.  
  • This test will analyse over 40 genetic markers known to impact the body’s metabolism, exercise effects and energy use. In a personalised report, the DNA Wellness Profile can reveal the tailored requirements of your diet, nutrition and exercise needs, body composition and general health.  
  • Rg3 Align

    Rg3 Align is a nootropic designed to promote focus and energy regulation. This supplement is taken through a nasal spray and is scientifically formulated to help increase focus, improve cognitive ability and fight fatigue. This can work to help enhance both mental and physical performance.
  • This test detects the urinary products of estrogen metabolism through a 24-hour urine sample.  
  • The Breath Test profiles gastrointestinal health by detecting small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This condition is characterised by symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhoea, irregularity and abdominal pain, and can inhibit nutrient absorption.  
  • Candida is a breed of natural fungus which commonly inhabit the skin and mucous membranes of the body. This comprehensive profile tests a range of Candida variants in addition to relevant IgG, IgA and igM antibodies.  
  • Our Extensive Pathology Referral and Consultation is recommended by our Doctors as it allows for a full examination of your medical history, pathology results, current health concerns and future wellness goals.
  • This specialised assessment considers adrenal stress and female hormone levels and highlights imbalances. Through a simple saliva sample, this test can effectively measure levels of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Paired with an Adrenocortex Stress Profile, these tests offer an extensive insight into female health and functioning.  
  • These two tests can provide valuable information on a male’s hormonal and adrenal status. A simple saliva test can measure important hormones like testosterone and androgen. These hormones can rapidly decline with age and cause a host of potential health conditions.  
  • This program has been designed to combat the effects of ageing using naturally occurring molecules. NAD+ is a game changer in the field of anti-ageing, allowing the body to begin to actively heal itself while also acting as a preventative approach to maintaining youth and wellness.
  • Through a 28-day saliva test, this profile offers a comprehensive assessment of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone levels throughout the three phases of the menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulatory and luteal).  
  • Hormones play an important role in a woman’s reproductive and general health. This profile will assess the prominent hormones that affect the menstrual cycle, highlighting any imbalances or abnormalities. Especially during middle age as women approach menopause, important hormones like estrogen and progesterone are more likely to become imbalanced.
  • The Male Hormone Profile measures the body’s levels of key hormones such as testosterone and androgen. These hormones are vital to male functioning and wellbeing as deficiencies can lead to a range of adverse health conditions.  
  • This profile tests for 14 minerals and 14 variants of toxic metals to provide a snapshot of cellular activity and nutrient metabolism. With every physiological function in the body catalysed by minerals, measuring toxic heavy metals can highlight the health of processes and systems around the entire body.  
  • Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers responsible for sending messages around the body, and therefore can influence mental health. This profile assesses the levels of nine key neurotransmitters including Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Noradrenaline, Adrenaline, Glutamate, ration, PEA, Glycine and Histamine.  
  • This test provides insight into organic acids and the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Measuring multiple biomarkers of health, the Organix Comprehensive Profile can detect the functionality of many important processes and systems.  
  • The Longevity Bundle is your one-stop-shop to living a longer, happier life. Combining our naturally occurring products that not only assist in cellular repair and anti-ageing, but also prevent age related diseases and improve cognitive functions. Resulting in increased longevity and vitality.
  • The Complete Microbiome Mapping pathology provides a comprehensive snapshot of microbial, immune and digestive markers. This test focuses on microbiomes which disrupt gut balance and are known to contribute to illness.  
  • The Dad Bod Program supports men in reaching their lifestyle goals. Whether that be weight loss, increased muscle mass or general wellbeing, this program includes specialised peptides and supplements to help men see results.

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