The Complete Microbiome Mapping pathology provides a comprehensive snapshot of microbial, immune and digestive markers. This test focuses on microbiomes which disrupt gut balance and are known to contribute to illness.
Candida is a breed of natural fungus which commonly inhabit the skin and mucous membranes of the body. This comprehensive profile tests a range of Candida variants in addition to relevant IgG, IgA and igM antibodies.
The Breath Test profiles gastrointestinal health by detecting small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This condition is characterised by symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhoea, irregularity and abdominal pain, and can inhibit nutrient absorption.
This test measures the enzymes transglutaminase IgA and igG to detect coeliac disease. High levels of this enzyme and subsequent antibodies can indicate coeliac disease or gluten insensitivity.