kick start your weight loss
  • Infinity 8 is a unique combination of eight powerful adaptogens blended in equal potencies to boost overall health and wellbeing. The mushrooms in this formula are interdependent on one another, particularly working together to support immune health and cognitive function.
  • Liver Support complex is an oral supplement that may assist with cleaning and detoxifying the liver and to also support liver function and digestion. INGREDIENTS: Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, Glove Artichoke, Schisandra, Inositol, Choline, Taurine, Glycine
  • Pro Digest is a comprehensive blend of ingredients specifically designed to help promote good digestion and a healthy gut. This digest blend powder contains a selection of prebiotics, digestive enzymes, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and mucilage agents that help ease constipation, bloating, diarrhoea and other GI symptoms.
  • Our Body Balance Collagen powder is a quality source of bio-active collagen peptides that have demonstrated positive effects on various metabolic processes and the overall functional unit of muscle.
  • Our Activated B Complex is a compounded oral supplement that consists of the B vitamins vital for the recovery and functioning of the nervous system. This supplement also works to improve sleep quality and helps to maintain healthy muscles and nerves.
  • Mushroom M8 combines eight of the top researched and recognised medicinal mushrooms in a convenient vegetable capsule. Together, they work to support and maintain a strong immune system and encourage overall health.
  • The powerful extract of Lion’s Mane has been used by traditional herbalists for thousands of years to promote nerve and brain protection. Not just for the mind, Lion’s Mane also boasts the potential to improve digestive health by upkeeping a healthy stomach lining, and can also support healthy nerve function around the entire body.
  • Chaga is rich in antioxidants and adaptogens, making it a natural anti-ageing and immunity boosting powerhouse. Its potential benefits are vast, offering a range of immune boosting and anti-inflammatory outcomes to boost overall wellbeing.
  • This super-blend features a curated mix of traditional Chinese medicinal mushrooms, designed to boost GI tract and gut microbiome health. With powerful adaptogens from eight nourishing herbs, Mason’s Mushrooms is the immune and gut tonic that can promote vitality for an overall wellness boost.
  • ProBioMax is a compounded daily oral probiotic to support gut health. The formula contains a potent dose of digestive enzymes which can support both gut health and the immune system. ProBioMax has been meticulously created with the highest quality ingredients, to directly target increases in the body’s lactobacillus and bifidobacteria levels.

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