kick start your weight loss
  • Chaga is rich in antioxidants and adaptogens, making it a natural anti-ageing and immunity boosting powerhouse. Its potential benefits are vast, offering a range of immune boosting and anti-inflammatory outcomes to boost overall wellbeing.
  • This profile can detect risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). As the leading cause of death worldwide, CVD is a prevalent health risk. This test serves as a cardiovascular risk assessment which can detect a range of potential risk factors and markers of heart abnormalities.  
  • Candida is a breed of natural fungus which commonly inhabit the skin and mucous membranes of the body. This comprehensive profile tests a range of Candida variants in addition to relevant IgG, IgA and igM antibodies.  
  • The Breath Test profiles gastrointestinal health by detecting small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This condition is characterised by symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhoea, irregularity and abdominal pain, and can inhibit nutrient absorption.  
  • This comprehensive assessment will measure the body’s B vitamin levels across vitamin B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12. The body requires adequate vitamin B to support a range of essential processes and systems, and detecting potential deficiencies can therefore note the need for supplementation to boost general wellbeing.
  • This is an annual medical consultation and review with our Doctors to examine your medical history, current treatment plan and progress.
  • The Adrenocortex Stress Profile uses a simple and non-invasive saliva test to detect adrenal stress. Drawing on secretory IgA levels and stress hormones cortisol and DHEA, this assessment can detect symptoms of adrenal fatigue and indicate how the body is coping with general stress.  
  • The Adrenal Blend is formulated to reduce the adverse effects of both internal and external stressors, promote optimal adrenal function and help regulate cortisol levels.  Key ingredients: Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Magnesium Contains 100 capsules 
  • Our Activated B Complex is a compounded oral supplement that consists of the B vitamins vital for the recovery and functioning of the nervous system. This supplement also works to improve sleep quality and helps to maintain healthy muscles and nerves.

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