By RegenMed Direct | Published: Friday, 05 January 2023

As we enter this new year, many of us aspire to become the best version of ourselves, often including health and fitness goals into our resolutions.

In Australia, one of the greatest health concerns is obesity, with two-thirds of Australian adults (66.9%) being overweight or living with obesity[1]. Obesity can stem from a range of factors including hormonal imbalances, genetics, fatigue, and may inflict several long term effects on the body.

Through understanding the challenges posed by obesity, our commitment to you here at RegenMed is to offer personalised solutions by recognising and addressing the root causes of weight gain in order to guide everyone on their individual health and wellness journeys.

Sustained weight loss is a combination of hard work, determination, and medical support. And while peptides are in no way a ‘miracle’ solution, they do play a pivotal role in supporting you on your weight loss journey.

Our solutions encompass lifestyle changes and kickstarting progress through various means, including diet programs that facilitate fat burn without exercise.

Our aim at RegenMed is to make the weight loss journey accessible and personalised for all!

We understand that implementing long-lasting lifestyle changes can be challenging, and because of this our Medical Team is here to guide you and prescribe you with effective medical solutions in order to keep you at your best.

If you are looking to maintain a balanced lifestyle but need some extra support, our range of supplements and integrative medical solutions could be the perfect combination for you!

Our integrative medical solutions available in our Weight Loss range have the potential to restore healthy hormones and support muscle development, helping you attain your health and wellness goals and support your body’s efficient energy usage.

Our Weight Loss range can help you:

Balance the hormones needed to stabilise your metabolism, assisting to contribute to an overall healthy lifestyle.

Support weight maintenance and achieve long-term weight stabilisation.

Boost metabolism with our medically formulated products designed to support you on your weight loss journey, the healthy way.

Create new, healthy, and sustainable habits to assist in long term weight loss goals.

Have you seen our best selling, supplement based program?

Let’s break it down!

Thermo Plus is a natural blend designed to help you lose weight and enhance the body’s ability to burn fat.


Berberine Active assists with boosting your energy levels, weight loss, and regulating blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


Body Balance Collagen Powder is a bio-active source of collagen that has been found to have a positive impact on various metabolic processes and the overall functional unit of muscle.


Easy to fit into any routine, our Metabolic Weight Loss Bundle has been formulated to help you fast track your weight loss goals with an aim to decrease fat mass, increase lean muscle mass, and elevate your metabolism so that you can achieve your optimal body composition.

learn more

As we make our way into 2024, let’s work together to commit to an approach that not only helps you shed unwanted weight but also supports a sustainable and healthier lifestyle.

Here’s to a new year filled with achievable and long-lasting results!


Alcohol Detoxification

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While there are certainly healthier beverage alternatives, alcohol is a consistent feature in many cultures making it a given at almost any social event. DRINK AND DETOX [...]



1. ^ “National Health Survey”. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 15 December 2023.