Medication & interrupted training routines.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. With the current health crisis meaning that gyms and training centres are closed, you will likely be finding it hard to continue your usual training routine.
You might assume that because you aren’t training in the gym the way you used to that you don’t need to continue with your medication, however, our medical team strongly advises against this.
Our Medical Team explains why it is essential that you always maintain consistent cycles & dosing, but especially during these unprecedented times. In this article, they give their expert option on how continuing your Doctor prescribed cycle and dosing is essential to maintaining the improvements in your health to date.
Despite the unprecedented times, we are still dedicated to maintaining our highest level of patient care. It is important that all our new and existing patients are aware of the medical protocols for their own health and safety.
With gyms and training centres being closed you might assume that you don’t need to continue with your medication, however, this is not advised as your medication program will help to maintain the improvements in your health to date.
Our Medical Team is made up of experienced health professionals.
We are committed to delivering innovative health and wellness products to help you and your family. Our entire team is dedicated to bringing you their medical expertise remotely so you can get much needed expert advice from our highly sought after experts in their fields. Remote consultations can be scheduled with our doctors.
Our team is constantly working on research and development to ensure we are up to date with the latest in medical standards and clinical research.
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